Nanna Maria Wibholm |
Germany / 2020 / 0:35:00 |
"Anders" is an essayistic portrait documentary circling around the brief encounter between filmmaker Nanna and protagonist Anders. Fragmented narratives from lived experiences of mental illness brought them together in the attempt to capture a visual trace of past stories and present voices. The film was shot in an irrevocable moment of time that unexpectedly became the last year of Anders’ life. Drawn by the atmosphere of an emerging but yet unknown relation, the film ANDERS embarks on an explorative journey through pieces of moving images, still photos, sound and voice. Directed by intuition and chance this portrait is also the filmmakers search for the identity of her protagonist. A fascination of ’The Other’ as well as a (self)reflective questioning of boundaries, subjective realities and ethics of artistic work in the making of a portrait documentary.